Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
This statement is made on behalf of Axle Group Holdings Limited and all subsidiary companies within the Group. We are proud of the steps we have taken to combat slavery and human trafficking.
Through a number of our subsidiary companies (namely National Tyre Service Limited, Stepgrades Motor Accessories Limited and Constant Price Monitor Limited) we are a provider of motor vehicle tyres and tyre fitting services. Axle Group Holdings Limited is the parent company of the Axle Group (Group). Axle Group Holdings Limited has its head office in Scotland.
During the year ended 31 December 2020 the average number of employees working for the Group was 1,461. The Group operates within the UK only.
Our business involves the operation of motor vehicle servicing garages and the sale of tyres across the UK.
National Tyre Service Limited (trading as National Tyres and Autocare) is an independent fast fit specialist in the UK. Its technicians specialise in vehicle parts repair including tyres, exhausts, brakes, batteries, steering & suspension, lubrication, MOT testing, and vehicle safety inspection. We have a network of 237 branches throughout the UK. National Tyre Service Limited also operates online with its own e-commerce website and through a sister-site called Constant Price Monitor Limited.
National Tyre Service Limited’s sister company (which is also within the Group), Stepgrades Motor Accessories Limited (trading as Viking Wholesale Tyres) is an independent tyre wholesaler, operating from eight warehouses throughout the UK and online via its business to business e-commerce platform, ‘VI Online’. Stepgrades Motor Accessories Limited also operates a separate Dealer division which offers a tyre supply, fitting and maintenance operation which has been developed to meet the particular needs of motor dealerships.
Lastly, National Tyre Service Limited also provides services to the business sector via the National Fleet division which offers various services to help fleet management and contract hire companies manage their fleet’s tyre requirements more cost effectively.
Our supply chains primarily includes the purchase and distribution of tyres and other automotive parts. It is complex and global in nature.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains by mapping our supply chain to assess particular geographical risks or product risks (including raw materials used within those products).
- Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains by monitoring and assessing any suppliers identified as higher risk suppliers.
- Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains on an ongoing basis.
- Protect whistle blowers.
We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain comply with our values we regularly check and monitor our supplier’s compliance with the Modern Slavery Act . We review suppliers’ Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements, request details of where their products are sourced and what actions they have taken to ensure that there is no modern slavery in the production and/or distribution of their products. We also request copies of our suppliers’ internal Modern Slavery Policy and details of staff training implemented in relation to modern slavery. We visit supplier’s premises including manufacturing factories if this is deemed necessary taking into account the risk profile of a particular supplier. In addition to ongoing risk assessment, a detailed annual review is completed to reassess and update all risk profiles of our suppliers, appropriate action is then taken to ensure compliance. We have a dedicated compliance team, which consists of involvement from the following departments: Legal, Procurement, Audit and Compliance, Human Resources, Retail, National Fleet, Finance and Online Sales.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. Through this training, as well as through group wide internal communications, all employees are encouraged to identify and report any potential or actual wrongdoing that they consider to be in breach on the Modern Slavery Act.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2020.
Alan Revie
Axle Group Holdings Limited
Date: 31st March 2021